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Thursday, September 5, 2024

Do. Create. Be.

 Do. Create. Be.

I did not create this chain of words. I ran across them on a Facebook page where people share their photos of Yellowstone National Park. But I like what these words prompt me to do. Do what I love. Do something to help others. Do something to make this cruel, often hate-filled world a better, friendlier place.

Create pushes me to indulge in my creative pursuits of photography and writing. I don't write music or screenplays. I can't draw or paint. I don't have the imagination to write poetry or fiction. But I can write about things I love, about my travels and about my experiences. I can create beautiful photos and share them with my friends. I can use my photos to create wall calendars and I can give the money from sales of my calendars to one of my favorite charities.

Be is a more difficult word to put into practice. Be brave. Be kind. Be strong. Be helpful. Be my own person. Be helpful. Be generous with my time and resources. Be my best self. Be an example to others. Be authentic.

Thank you to the couple who created this 3-word expression. As a writer, I love seeing the power of words and the impact, both good and bad, they can have.

So get out there and do. Create. Be.

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