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Sunday, September 8, 2024

One of These Days

How often have we made this statement: One of these days I'm going to ...?

For me, the best day to do these 'one of these days' things will be a cold, cloudy winter day, a day that is perfect for staying indoors. 

One of these days I won't take my dog for her expected morning walk.

One of these days I will skip walking 10,000 steps (usually more).

One of these days I will stay in my cozy, warm pajamas all day.

One of the days I will spend the day writing or reading, things I really enjoy.

One of these days I will cook comfort food or soup that will fill my house with wonderful aromas.

One of these I will finally tackle PhotoShop.

One of these days may be too late.

The problem in waiting for 'one of these days' to arrive is that too many 'one of these days' comments may find us wasting our days, our lives, with  postponing things that might be just what we need. So skip walking the dog once. Stay in your comfy pajamas. Cook that comfort food. Don't exercise once in a while.

Make one of these days today!

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