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Saturday, September 21, 2024

World Gratitude Day 2024

 There is much in this world that is sad, disappointing, frightening, even horrifying.

There is international war. There is escalating gun violence and other violent crime in this country. There is a political party hell-bent on either destroying this country or turning it into 'Christian', fascist state. There are millions of people around the world suffering from starvation, flooding and other natural disasters. The planet is suffering. There is a presidential candidate with tens of millions of supporters who ignore his deteriorating mental condition and rabidly embrace his fascist leanings.

But today, World Gratitude Day, I want to focus on things that make me smile, that make me happy. Things for which I am grateful.

The joyfulness of my dog who at age 3 often makes me smile. I love watching her sleep peacefully in her bed.

Looking at some of my photographs can make me smile and bring back precise memories of when and where they were taken. Not just the memories and the images, but realizing that I did a good job of capturing the scene, makes me happy.

Walking outside on a crisp autumn morning, with no wind, no traffic and no noise, under a blue sky, makes me happy. A beautiful sunrise over the mountains adds to the joy.

Looking at photos of some of the stunning places I have visited reminds me to be grateful for the opportunity to travel, to see places I have always wanted to see, to photograph amazing places and wildlife, and to meet people from many other cultures.

There is beauty in this world. And while the evil gets most of the attention, there also is kindness. There are some good people doing their best to make this world a better place. We who have much for which to be grateful should remember to join them in making the world a better place.

Let's be grateful for the good things and the good people in our lives.

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