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Saturday, August 31, 2024

A Year of Changes

This year is turning out to be a year of changes.

First the negative change. My 2-year-old golden retriever, Jett, died suddenly just two days after getting sick. I will always wonder whether his life could have been saved had his veterinarian detected the massive infection ravaging his body, and ultimately, his brain. He died of meningitis.

Another change is happening as a result of Jett's death. I am leaving the veterinary practice I have used for the past 14 years. There are a couple of reasons for my decision, both related to Jett's death. I no longer will entrust my dogs to that practice, so I'm moving on.

Earlier this year I traded in an SUV I didn't like and replaced it with an almost new, smaller, hybrid SUV. I like the newer car a lot.

I'm also changing cell phone carriers, leaving the one I have used for some 20 years. Two things prompted this change. AT&T has had not one, but two, so-called 'data breaches' this year. In other words, the company's customer information was hacked ... twice. The thing that put me over the top in deciding to leave was the monthly increase of more than $10. An extra $125 per year for cell phone service is something I will not tolerate. So goodbye, AT&T. I am tired of constant rate increases that far exceed my paltry 3 percent cost of living increase last year.

Another change under consideration is dropping DirecTV and switching to streaming services. I need to do some research first to figure out which streaming services I want.

So that's it. Change is always a bit unnerving, but it's not a bad thing (except in Jett's case). I think adapting to change is especially helpful to us older folks. Change can help us grow.

So let the change begin!

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