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Monday, February 22, 2021

A Shameful Milestone

More than half a million Americans -- 500,000 people -- have died from the coronavirus.

Half a million people -- roughly the number of people who died during World War I, World War II and the Vietnam War combined. And why did these people die? They died largely because of incompetence, denial, ignorance and a cult-like mentality and attitude toward science. They died because far too many -- from the previous president on down to millions of his followers -- decided the pandemic is a "hoax." They died because so-called leaders of state governments refused to follow the recommendations of public health officials and epidemiologists to stay home, wear a mask, and to avoid large gatherings. They died because some Republican 'leaders' decided that keeping the economy open was far more important than protecting people's lives. They decided because some religious 'leaders' decided that holding large church services and collecting the tribute from the congregations and parishioners was so much more important than keeping those people safe.

And now, roughly a year after the pandemic first hit, we have passed a tragic milestone. Half a million people won't celebrate a birthday, an anniversary, a graduation or the birth of a child. How many memories have been lost, how many hearts have been broken?

This virus hits without regard to age, race, gender, political affiliation or any other defining criteria. We have lost grandmothers and grandfathers, mothers and fathers, aunts, uncles, cousins, friends, brothers and sisters. We have lost physicians and nurses, teachers and trash collectors, Republicans and Democrats. We have lost the elderly, the young and the middle aged. We have lost the healthy and those with chronic health conditions. We have lost the well-known and the anonymous citizens.

And beyond the mounting death toll, we have lost hundreds of thousands of businesses that have closed their doors forever. Millions are unemployed or underemployed. The economic loss is terrible. Suicides have increased. Children are struggling with exclusive online learning. Frontline health care workers are on the verge of collapse.

Now at last the rates of infection, hospitalization and death are declining as people finally wake up to reality, and as vaccinations are being administered to millions. Yet the incompetence and ineptness of the previous administration continue to hamper distribution of these life-saving vaccines. 

How far the United States has fallen, from world leader to a country struggling to right itself. The country that was once the most powerful and admired on the planet now is in some ways little more than a third world country. The Biden administration is working hard to address the pandemic, but resources remain tight.

I wonder how history will remember this period of American history. I believe this time will be regarded as shameful, as one of the low points in this nation's history. 

AP Photo/Evan Vucci

Biden 500,000 covid-19 deaths memorial

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