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Monday, August 31, 2020

We All Need Some Love

 I saw the following on a Facebook friend's timeline this morning.

And it spoke to me. I don't know who the author is. But this spoke to me. Feel free to share it.

As the world fights to figure everything out, I’ll be holding doors for strangers, letting people cut in front of me in traffic, saying good morning, keeping babies entertained in grocery lines, stopping to talk to someone who is lonely, tipping generously, waving at police, sharing food, giving children a thumbs-up, being patient with sales clerks, smiling at passersby, and buying a stranger a cup of coffee.

WHY? Because I will not stand to live in a world where love is invisible.

Join me in showing kindness, understanding, and judging less.

Be kind to a stranger, give grace to people who may be having a bad day, be forgiving with yourself.

If you can’t find kindness, BE kindness.

Copied from an awesome, loving, friend.

Keep copying.

We all need some love. ❤️

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