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Sunday, August 9, 2020

Out of Patience

I am about to run out of patience. 

I'm not a very patient person in the best of times. And this is certainly not the best of times. I’m out of patience with endless news stories about either the coronavirus pandemic or about still more lies from the occupant of the White House bragging about how great the US is doing in its fight against the virus.

The US is not doing great against the virus. It continues to wrack up record numbers of deaths on a nearly daily basis. US citizens are banned from travel to nearly every country on the planet because of our government's failure to deal with the pandemic on a national level.

I’m out of patience with our Congress. The Senate took a three day weekend rather than trying to come up with a package of funding to help the millions of Americans who are unemployed.The extra $600/week in unemployment benefits expired at the end of July. The House came up with a plan to extend those benefits in light of the very high unemployment rates due to the pandemic. The Senate, feeling that the extra $600/week is going to turn workers into lazy bums who would rather sit home than return to work, offered a paltry $200/week. Now talks between Democrats in the House and Republicans in the Senate have collapsed, leaving the president* to sign an executive order giving $400/week in additional benefits. There is a major problem with that, however: the power of the purse belongs not to the president, but to the House of Representatives. This is nothing short of yet another power grab by the would-be dictator and his enablers. He obviously thinks his cult followers will fall to their knees in gratitude for his signing an executive order that does nothing. It's all for show.

I am out of patience with stories about everyday Americans facing hunger and eviction because they lost their jobs and are unable to pay their bills. It makes me incredibly sad, but mostly it makes me angry, to watch our elected officials -- nearly all of them multimillionaires -- squabble and put political posturing above the needs of everyday Americans. 

I have no patience for the endless lies spewing from the occupant of the White House. I have no more patience for the idiots who refuse to endure a few weeks of inconvenience by wearing a mask to help bring this pandemic under control. I am out of patience with sitting at home 23 hours a day, day after day, week after week, month after month. 

I have no patience for stupidity, selfishness, greed, willful ignorance, partisan arguments and the I-don't-care-about-anybody-but-me attitude.

I’m basically out of patience with everything. And I know I am simply one of millions who feels this way.

1 comment:

  1. Ann ,
    We are all coping in different situations around the world. Try abd not let things get to you .
    Your blog could be writtwn by all,but not so well written!
    I keep occupied but get annoyed as well.Rules for Covid are very misleading . I feel for you I really do.Living with your President elect must be hard. But again I think our own elect Ministers are doing a job whether we like it or not .Just have to wait till nx election. Sure money and illegal finances are influencing elections maybe more so in USA?
    Stay safe our life will get better.
