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Saturday, August 15, 2020

National Relaxation Day

Today, August 15, is National Relaxation Day.

So please, take some time to relax and care for yourself. You do so much already. We are living in incredibly stressful times, with worries about our health, our jobs, our businesses, our friends and families, our country. Stress can impact us in many ways. While some stress is good, and some people seem to thrive on stress, too much stress for too long can result in serious mental and physical health problems.

So take a walk. Take a nap. Read a book you have been wanting to read. Listen to classical music. I love classical music, and it is what I listen to when at home. I also love smooth jazz. Take some vitamin C, which can help alleviate the physical and psychological effects of stress. Enjoy a bit of dark chocolate (unless it isn't allowed as part of your diet). Turn off the news and unplug from your electronic devices.

I relax by taking a walk or a nap. I also find it relaxing to look at something beautiful, such as a gorgeous sunrise or a photograph I took at a favorite location. I have a couple of tabletop fountains in my house. The sounds of water running over the small rocks are very relaxing.

 I know that taking time for ourselves isn't easy most of the time, but you owe it to yourself and those you love to relax if even for a short time.


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