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Thursday, November 16, 2023

No Place for Religion in Government

Religion should have no place in politics or in the government.

I don't care which religion, if any, people choose to follow. They are free to practice their religion privately as they wish. But there is no place for any religion in government. And a person's religious affiliation and beliefs should play no role in that person's appointment, selection or actions in office.

The United States, according to one source, is the first explicitly secular government in history. The country is supposedly a secular society, but several Republican candidates for the presidency are using religion to appeal to potential voters with promises of making their beliefs into law. The US is not, never has been, and should never be, a theocracy.

Religion may have its place in our society, but the government, at any level, is not the place. This means that religious groups should be forbidden from  trying to pass legislation that controls what others can do. If you don't believe abortion should be allowed, then don't have an abortion. But don't try to force your beliefs about abortion on others. The United States, according to one source, is the first explicitly secular government in history.

If you don't believe in birth control, then don't use birth control. But don't try to make it illegal for others.

If you don't believe in same-sex marriage, fine. Don't marry someone of the same sex as you. But you don't get to make it illegal for others to marry someone of the same sex.

Prayer has no place in our public schools. To whose god are we to pray? The Christian god? Allah? A Buddhist god (which one? There are many). A Hindu god? Which lone?

Taxpayers should not be forced to pay for vouchers that are to be used at private, religion-based schools. Not only is this practice wrong, as it supports religious institutions with tax dollars, it also hurts public schools by reducing funding that is based on the number of students attending a given public school..

This country's pseudo Christians would have a conniption if suddenly schools started allowing prayers to Allah or to the prophet Mohammed. 

The United States was not founded as a Christian country, and it remains a country free of an official religion. Those who want to live in a country where there is an official religion, and that have 'religious police' to enforce the religious rules of life, should consider moving to Pakistan, Iraq or perhaps to Saudi Arabia.

In the United States, we have the freedom to practice whichever religion we choose. We should also have freedom from religion.

I have friends who follow a variety of religions: Judaism, Islam, Buddhism, protestant and Catholic forms of Christianity, as well as no religion at all. They are not my friends because of their religious beliefs. Quite simply, I don't care which, if any religions, my friends choose to follow. We don't discuss religion. It is a personal matter, and it needs to remain a personal matter.

So the recent movement known as Christian nationalism concerns me. I repeat again, the United States is not now and never has been a Christian nation. People should not be forced to be subjugated to anyone's religious beliefs.

Attend the house of worship of your choice. Pray to the god of your choice. But you don't get to force everyone else to adhere to your religious beliefs.

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