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Wednesday, January 19, 2022

I Am Done

I am done. 

Done. I am done trying to convince people who refuse to be vaccinated out of ignorance, politics, conspiracy theories or for whatever reason. I’m done. 

And don’t give me this BS about 'medical freedom.' Your medical freedom ends when it impacts and threatens the lives of others. I also don’t want to hear about how the vaccines don’t work because there are breakthrough infections of Covid and because even vaccinated people can still transmit the disease even when they have no symptoms. Tell me a vaccine that is 100% effective in absolutely everybody who receives it. What’s that? There isn’t one? Wow, you must be a freaking genius. I’m so tired of having these arguments.

Your refusal to get vaccinated is the main reason we are now entering year three of this pandemic. You are keeping the virus circulating among populations around the world. You are giving the virus opportunity after opportunity to mutate. So I don’t want to hear about medical freedom. Your medical freedom gives you the right not to get vaccinated against tetanus. It gives you the right not to be vaccinated against other diseases such as pneumonia and shingles. It does not give you the right to put my life at risk by refusing to take the simple step of getting vaccinated against a highly contagious disease. 

Do we not, as members of a society of a supposedly advanced species, have certain obligations to that society?

Am I angry? You’re damn right I am angry. And I’m tired of being held hostage by the anti-vaxxers who refuse to get vaccinated. I’m not talking about those people who have a legitimate medical reason not to take the vaccine. I’m talking about those whose allegiance to the former president, or who think they are “owning the Libs” by refusing to get vaccinated, or whatever other other reason they have. 

And please spare me the "I've done the research" argument. Doing a Google search and finding crackpots who support your ill-informed beliefs is not research. Show me some peer-reviewed scientific research and I will consider it. Saying that one nurse in one hospital said that all hospitalized patients with Covid have been vaccinated is proof of only one thing -- your gullibility. Telling me that one surgeon who is not an infectious disease specialist or a virologist said that vaccines don't work is not a valid reason not to get vaccinated. Would you want an allergy specialist to perform brain surgery on you? Just being a physician does not make anybody an expert on the coronavirus.

Facts, real, unadulterated facts, have proven time and again that 85 percent or more of hospitalized Covid patients are unvaccinated. They also show that the unvaccinated are 11 times as likely to die of Covid.

i believe in science. I believe in facts. I do not believe that Bill Gates arranged to have microchips implanted in every American who received a Covid vaccination. I do not believe that the vaccines are part of some evil plot. funded by George Soros and the evil Democrats. I do not believe in conspiracy theories. I do not believe in drinking bleach or Lysol to kill the virus.

If we reach the point where health care must be rationed -- and we are getting close due to the influx of unvaccinated Covid patients-- those who have refused to be vaccinated should go to the end of the list for treatment. Let those with cancer, horrible injuries or other non=preventable medical issues be given top priority. If you choose to risk your life, and the lives of others through your ignorance, you, not others, should face the consequences. In some countries, the unvaccinated who are hospitalized must pay for treatment themselves. In others, including some in western Europe, if you can't how proof of vaccination, you cannot enter restaurants, bars, gyms, hair salons, shopping malls, and other businesses.

It's past time to hold those responsible for keeping this pandemic alive to pay the consequences. 

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