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Thursday, October 22, 2020

Enough of the Word Salad

We all know that the current president* is the most inarticulate, bumbling person to hold office in recent memory, perhaps in the history of this country. His utterances are generally outright lies, exaggerations or what some call a 'word salad' of words and thoughts that make absolutely no sense. He is incapable of forming coherent thoughts and sentences. He cannot stay on topic. He gets visibly irate when asked real questions about issues of concern to Americans by the news media.

Here are some of the trumpisms I hope to never hear again after January 20.
  • Fake news 
  • It's a hoax. 
  • No one knows more about (fill in the blank) than I do. 
  • Nobody but me can fix this. 
  • Many people say ... 
  • Losers and suckers
  • Believe me
  • The best people
  • He's a great guy.
  • I really don't know him.
  • Yuge/huge
  • A lot of people are saying ...
  • Bigly
  • Great
  • Incredible
  • Tremendous
  • A lot of money
  • Very fine people
  • People say 
  • Very stable genius

Most people have words and phrases they commonly use while speaking. That is part of what makes each of us unique. But he seems to have an extremely limited vocabulary, dragging out the same tired words and expressions repeatedly. And not unexpectedly, the words he uses to refer to himself (often in the third person) are those that praise him, while he hurls insults at others.

With the 2020 election fewer than 2 weeks away, I cannot wait to put politics behind me. Sadly, I doubt that the end will come anytime soon. If Chump loses, we will be subjected to his unfounded claims of cheating, voter fraud and anything else he can come up with to rationalize his loss. If he wins, God help us. Even worse, there is a good chance we won't know the outcome of the election on Nov. 3.

As a retired communications professional, I cringe whenever I hear (on the evening news) or read the babble this president* utters on a daily basis. Let us hope we are nearing the end of his inarticulate rants and babbling, his insults and lies.

America and we the people deserve so much better.

1 comment:

  1. Well written Ann.Dud you hear about Russia involvement again threatening people into Voting for the Chump!
