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Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Inspiring Words

 And still I rise.

These words are the title of the third volume of poetry by renowned American poet Maya Angelou. These words are also tattooed on the collarbone of the best female gymnast ever, Simone Biles.

And rise she has. After withdrawing from the 2020 Olympics because of the 'twisties,' after which she was called a coward and a quitter, Simone Biles came roaring back. She won three gold medals and one silver medal in the 2024 Paris Olympics. In total, she has won 11 Olympic medals. Adding her 30 world championship medals makes her the most decorated gymnast of all time.    

The twisties is a dangerous phenomenon experienced by some gymnasts in which they lose their perception of where their bodies are while flying through the air. The twisties can result in serious injury or even death. Imagine, if you can, flying through the air, several feet off the ground, and having no idea where you are in relation to the floor. How soon will your feet hit the ground? At what point do you get your feet and legs in position to make a safe landing?

Simone has risen above so much. Born to a drug-addicted mother unable to care for her and her three siblings, Simone spent years in the foster care system before being adopted with one of her sisters by her grandparents.

How inspiring her achievements, indeed her life, have been. Keep rising, Simone. Whether you decide to retire from competitive gymnastics or keep going, you are an inspiration to the world, especially to the young girls who watch you train and dream about their own Olympic chances.

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