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Saturday, June 1, 2024

Not Fit To Be President

He isn't your savior.

He is not the self-proclaimed 'chosen one.'

He is not going to "make America great again."

He isn't going to rid the country of liberals.

He isn't even Christian, much less a good Christian.

He does plan to assume the powers of a dictator, which he has admitted.

He does plan to turn the country into a dictatorship.

He does plan to continue to turn the country into a Christian nation.

He does plan to rain havoc and retribution upon anyone who disagrees with his rantings.

He will once again make America the laughing stock of the world.

He will turn the country into an isolated pariah.

He will again suck up to his favorite dictators such as Putin, Orban and Kim.

He will destroy our environment to gain the favor of big business.

He is a traitor who will do anything to gain and hold onto power.

He is a compulsive liar.

He is a convicted sexual abuser and a repeated misogynist.

He is a racist.

He worships nobody but himself.

He lusts after his eldest daughter.

He insults our military, calling them "suckers and losers."

He mocks the handicapped.

He insults women.

He cares only about himself, the super wealthy and anybody he can con.

He is functionally illiterate and inarticulate.

He wants to slash Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security.

He routinely insults leaders of our long-time allies.

Many people believe he is mentally ill and delusional, 

He isn't fit to be president.

He cannot be trusted to not share our nation's secrets with our enemies.

On so many levels, he is the person most unfit to hold the highest elected position in the land. And without reading his name, nearly everyone will know to whom this post refers.

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