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Thursday, June 13, 2024

Dogs Enrich Our Lives

I don't understand how learning of the death of a dog I have followed on Facebook can make me so sad that my eyes fill with tears.

Spike Taylor. Anabelle. Ricochet the surfing dog. Juno of Juno's Place.  And now Zoe the therapy dog.

I have never met any of these dogs, and I know that their pages are authored by their human moms. But their personalities shined through in words and photographs, and losing these dogs feels like losing a friend.

I have loved and lost 13 dogs during my adult life, so I understand too well the pain and overwhelming grief of losing a beloved dog. I looked forward to reading these dogs' posts every day. They were bright spots filled with love and kindness in a world sorely lacking in both.

Zoe was more than 15 years old, and she had heart problems. Exactly what happened has not yet been disclosed as the pain is too new and too raw for her human mom to talk about it. 

For everyone blessed to share your lives with dogs, please remember to cherish them every day. Your dogs may not be Facebook famous, they may not be therapy dogs or have ribbons or awards. But each dog is special and precious.

Dogs' lives are so much shorter than ours. We have outside friends and activities. For most dogs, their human families are their entire world.

Give your pups a hug and tell them you love them.

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