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Monday, June 24, 2024

A Harsh Reminder

The southern New Mexico village of Ruidoso -- all 8,000 inhabitants -- has been evacuated due to two wildfires nearby.

People were given just 3 minutes to grab what they could and get out. 

Firefighters still struggle to contain the two blazes. 

The sight of the area in flames, and the stories of lost homes and businesses, are heartbreaking.

But despite the painful losses (including the loss of two local residents), there are signs of hope. People from throughout New Mexico and west Texas are stepping up to help. People with horse trailers and fenced land have offered to bring horses to their property for safekeeping, offering hay and water to the frightened animals.

Two humane organizations have driven to the burn area to remove animals from the local humane society. Members of the Mescalero Apache tribe have opened a shelter to those currently without a place to live. Drives are ongoing in the Albuquerque area to collect non-perishable food and snacks, bottled water, hygiene supplies, pillows, blankets and towels. Someone offered an apartment to people needing a place to stay. The Albuquerque police department accepted donations at all of its substations. A local television station set up a donation drive at some local Albertson's grocery stores for the benefit of those impacted by the fires and for firefighters.

Now the area is facing threats of flash floods as the burned areas are unable to soak up the much-needed rain.

And then there's this: the FBI is offering a $10,000 reward for information leading to the arrest of the person or persons responsible for setting the fires. 

It's hard to accept that there are people so evil that they take pleasure in setting fires in a bone dry area, fires that have destroyed lives, killed people, and incinerated homes and businesses.

I hope those responsible are caught and severely punished. There is no excuse for such acts of cruelty.

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