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Monday, May 20, 2024

National Rescue Dog Day

The worst feeling in the world is that  no one wants you.

What a sad yet profound statement. This statement is especially appropriate today, which is National Rescue Dog Day. 

I have been fortunate to have adopted 15 rescue dogs during my adult life. Some were from humane societies. Some were from rescue groups. One was a direct adoption. And one was found, pregnant and abandoned.

Seven of these dogs were purebred. Six were golden retrievers, and one was an English springer spaniel. The others were a variety of mixes, from an 11 pound terrier (my first adoption) to a Labrador retriever/beagle, to a pair of papillon sisters to my current mix of unknown parentage. Two were puppies when I adopted them; most were middle aged. Some were very difficult dogs; others settled into the family immediately.

All were loving, sweet dogs. Some were very challenging. All have enriched my life immeasurably.

It's hard to admit, but there were some I loved more than others. My first dog, Patches, survived distemper and finally lost her battle with cancer. My next dog, Sam(antha), was a beagle/dachshund and as stubborn as any dog ever born. Casey, my first golden retriever, went to work with me every day and was a wonderful therapy dog who loved to visit people. Toby, my next golden, was a dear, sweet dog more attuned to me and my emotions than any dog I have ever known. Mila, a stubborn Labrador retriever/beagle mix, was so very loving yet exasperating at the same time.

And then there was Benny, my true heart dog, a golden retriever/corgi. Benny helped me get through the isolation and worry of the covid pandemic. 

There are so many dogs in need of help. Rescuing these dogs and loving them until illness or infirmity forced us to part makes me incredibly proud. 

Save a life. Adopt a rescue dog!

PS I know there are many people, especially children, who also feel unwanted. But today is a day set aside for rescue dogs. 

I adopted my daughter, who was abused and ignored by her birth parents, from Russia 20 years ago. She now knows that she is wanted and loved. And like her mom, she loves animals. She currently has a golden retriever and an adopted cat.

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