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Saturday, May 18, 2024

Done With WalMart

I don't shop at WalMart on a regular basis, but today's experience pushed me over the edge.

Nearly all of the cashiers have been replaced by do-it-yourself che k-out stations. Today I was informed that there was a problem with the scale as I was trying to weigh a bunch of bananas. I finally finished scanning and bagging my groceries, only to be forced to present my receipt upon leaving the store. I told the woman doing the inspection that I'm tired of being treated like a ciminal.

First I am made to scan and bag my groceries. Then my receipt is inspected to make sure I haven't stolen anything. (In reality, the woman only glanced at my receipt but didn't count my items or even look below the items at the top of my reusable bag). I could have had a $50 package of meat under my bags of SunChips and she wouldn't have known.

The other thing I have noticed is that WalMart picks Saturday morning -- one of the busiest shopping days of the week -- to restock shelves and fill online orders. Both of these activities involve placing large carts in the aisles, impeding shoppers trying to squeeze by with their shopping carts.

Other grocery stores in town offer 5 cents for each reusable bag each time it's used. Not WalMart. That stores does absolutely nothing to encourage people to bring reusable shopping bags. I often see people leaving the store with shopping carts filled with 15 or 20 disposable plastic bags.

And if customers have to scan and bag their own groceries, which saves money for the corporation, they should get a small discount on their groceries for doing the work of a cashier.

I generally shop at WalMart only when I need toiletries, cleaning supplies, etc. But it's time to add WalMart to the list of businesses I boycott. 

If I wanted to scan and bag groceris, I would get a job at a grocery store.

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