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Saturday, May 25, 2024

Memorial Day

Here's a reminder for the uninformed: Please do not wish anybody a happy Memorial Day. 

That is akin to wishing someone a happy death anniversary. There is nothing happy about this day designated in 1868 to honor the soldiers killed in the Union Army during the Civil War. Two world wars expanded the holiday to include all men and women who gave their lives in service to our country. I can think of nothing more insulting than using the word ‘happy’ in the same sentence with Memorial Day.

Far too many Americans either are unaware of or choose to ignore the true meaning behind this day. It should not be just another excuse for a three-day weekend. It isn’t all about barbecues and baseball and the unofficial start of summer. And worst of all are the Memorial Day sales that are screamed about in endless television commercials.

This is the day to honor those who died defending our country and our freedoms. It is not the same as Veterans Day, which happens every year on November 11. Veterans Day is the appropriate day on which to recognize the service of all who are serving and who have served in our armed forces.

This simple distinction clearly is too difficult for most Americans to comprehend. The days are not the same. So please, this Memorial Day weekend, enjoy your barbeques and your parties. But please don't forget to honor the sacrifices of these men and women. 

Several years ago during a trip to France, my group visited and spent some time in private reflection at the American military cemetery in Normandy, This cemetery, whose land was given to the United States in gratitude for the liberation of France, is the final resting place of 9,387 American military who sacrificed their lives in the liberation of France on and following the June 6,1944, D-Day landing. 

More than 80 years later, visiting this hallowed site was an extremely touching experience. So many of the war dead were very young, their lives cut short in pursuit of a greater cause.

As an American, I find it discouraging and embarrassing that so much of our population is totally clueless about which holiday is which. If you have forgotten your civics lessons from high school, please spend five minutes doing some research so you can understand the difference.

So on this Memorial Day weekend, enjoy your parties and your barbeques. But please don't forget those who made the ultimate sacrifice, often thousands of miles from home. They deserve more on this holiday weekend than yet another 'sales event' or a barbeque.

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