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Tuesday, August 22, 2023



I love this saying.

It makes me think about how we non-native Americans, or many of us, think about wealth. I believe this is particularly true today, when wealth is increasingly concentrated in the hands of a small number of extremely, some would say obscenely, wealthy individuals.

How do we define wealth? Is it having $1 million? $2 million? $100 million? Or should we define wealth not in terms of money and possessions, but in terms of other things? 
Compared with most of the world’s population, I am a wealthy person. I have my own house. I have a car. I have enough to eat. I have clothes to wear to keep me warm in the winter and cool during the summer. I have good shoes. I have good medical care. For a person of my age, I’m in pretty good health, with no major medical issues. I have money in the bank. I can afford to take overseas vacations. Although our democracy is under a great threat, and women in this country are still oppressed, compared with much of the world, life in the US is pretty good for most of us.

There certainly is a large proportion of people in the US that is anything but financially wealthy. Far too many people live in poverty in this country, and around the world.

But what if we took the attitude of our Native brethren and considered ourselves wealthy if we have enough to give away? Would that attitude stop the relentless drive for more money, a bigger house, a nicer car? 

I have always said that if I win the lottery, which I won't because I don't play, I would not make any major lifestyle changes. I would have some work done on my house and yard. I would buy a new car for myself and for my daughter. I would set aside funds for my toddler grandson's future. I would pay off my daughter's debts. I would save a portion of winnings for my retirement. And I would donate the overwhelming majority of my winnings to my dozen or so favorite charities, today and in the future.

I believe those actions would make me wealthy beyond measure.

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