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Friday, June 23, 2023

A Special Connection

During a trip to Tanzania earlier this year, three of us riding in one vehicle decided to put some specific requests or intentions “out there” to the universe.

Our intentions were for the specific animal species we hoped to see that day.  I don’t remember what all of the wishes were, but I do remember that one person wanted to see a baby elephant that day. And I don’t remember what I really wanted to photograph. But to our surprise, every animal we wanted to photograph that day appeared. Our intentions came true.

I had to have a very special dog put to sleep recently. I knew I wanted to adopt another male golden retriever, a breed of dog very difficult to find in my state, to become the new companion for my other dog. So through my tears the night of Benny’s death, I asked him to send me a male golden retriever to be the new big brother for my female dog. I even asked for a dog between the ages of 3 years and 7 years old. The coat color, whether red or blond, wasn't important.

I figured that finding a dog that met my specifications would be difficult. But I texted the woman who runs the golden retriever rescue from which I had adopted my younger dog. I let her know that Benny had passed and that I would like to adopt a male golden retriever between the ages of three and seven years. I had checked the organization's website, and I didn’t see a dog that met those requirements.

I didn’t hear anything right away, but then she texted me with the photo of a male golden retriever between three and four years old. I was shocked. I was stunned. And I knew this had to be Benny’s work. I’m sure one of his little paws made this happen. 

I’m trying to make arrangements now to go meet this dog. I feel a little guilty about even thinking about getting another dog so soon after Benny’s passing, but I can’t ignore the feeling that he is up there in heaven pulling strings to help heal my heart just a little bit.

So do these things really happen? Do our intentions and wishes made to a departed dog actually come to fruition? It all seems a bit strange and weird, but I and a friend of mine in another state have both had things happen that cannot otherwise be explained.

After my first dog died many years ago, I would sometimes hear her tags jingling. Once I caught a brief glimpse of her peering around a corner. I have twice heard Benny's panting for just a couple of seconds. One day I was on the phone with a friend when I felt a dog nose touch my hand. One dog was outside, and the other was asleep in the living room. I concluded that what I felt must have been the dog that had died recently. So sure was I of what I felt that I mentioned it to my friend on the phone when it happened.

I'm not saying that I believe in ghosts, but I do believe that sometimes something in the spirit world is responding to us. I would love for my dogs to appear to me in a dream, or to give me some sign that they are OK and waiting for me when my time comes.

I believe that there is a special connection between me and my dogs, and that the connection changes but isn't broken when the animals die. 

I look forward to being reunited with them when the time comes.

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