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Wednesday, March 29, 2023

Stop Whataboutism!

I am sick and tired of 'whataboutism'! 

That's the response of far too many Americans these days. Here's the most recent example: The World Central Kitchen, a non-profit organization founded by renown chef Jose Andres, provides hot meals to those around the world suffering from war and natural disasters. The organization sets up kitchens and works with local chefs and volunteers to produce millions of hot meals where they are most needed. 

WCK is currently feeding millions of people in Ukraine who are victims of Russia's war on that democratic nation. Russian bombs have targeted apartment building, electrical facilities, schools and hospitals, leaving countless Ukrainian without shelter, food, heat and water during a brutal winter. World Central Kitchen has been there, on the ground, providing hot meals to those in need. 

In response to some WCK ads on Facebook, too many people are responding with "What about Mississippi?" "What about Americans who need help?" Whataboutism at its finest. 

Here's a news flash for those too lazy or too ignorant to learn the facts: World Central Kitchen is working to provide meals to those impacted by hurricanes in Alabama and Mississippi. 

It isn't an either/or situation. This isn't a competition to see which group needs food the most. And no, Americans are not more deserving of hot meals than are Ukrainians. The last I heard, people in Alabama and Mississippi are not being bombed out of their homes. And there are a lot more resources (FEMA and the American Red Cross come to mind) to help people in the US than in Ukraine. Not too many organizations are eager to rush into war zones to feed people.

Here's another example: My daughter was born in Russia and spent the first 11 years of her life there. I adopted her from an orphanage in Siberia, and she has lived in the US since then. One of her clients (she was a hair stylist) commented that while it was nice that her mom (me) adopted her from Russia, why didn't I adopt a child from the US? Whataboutism yet again. 

Another example: An American family had adopted a little girl with Down syndrome from China. Someone, of course, had to ask why the family hadn't adopted an American child. Girls in general, and girls with Down syndrome in particular, have little chance of being adopted. So rather than celebrating the good thing done by this American family, the familiar refrain of "what about" again raised its ugly head. I commented that I adopted my daughter from Russia, but not worry. She is white with blonde hair and green eyes.

Here's my final example: Many years ago, I was asked to serve on a committee that reviewed NASA's use of non-human animals in research designed to make space travel safer for humans. My primary concern was the non-human primates (squirrel monkeys) use in research. White rats were the most common species used in experiments. A local woman contacted me to demand to know why I was speaking up for the rats. (We referred to her as the Rat Lady, as rats were her only concern). I explained that all the research animals were of concern to me, but my focus was on the monkeys (and a few cats). This was another case of whataboutism. At the time I worked for a large California humane society, so I was most concerned about what I consider higher animals.

So yes, I am tired of Americans' sense of superiority. I am tired of hearing "what about". There is so much need in this world, more than enough people needing help that there is no need for whataboutism.

If you want to support victims of tornadoes in the US, great! Make a donation to whatever cause moves you. There is no need to disparage others in need just because they don't happen to live in the US, or they don't look like you, or they speak a different language, or they practice a different religion. Americans are blessed with riches and opportunities most can only dream of. Our country is not at war with another country, although we are at war with ourselves. 

Stop focusing on our differences, and look at what we have in common. All of these people served by World Central Kitchen and other non-profit organizations are in need. 

Let's put an end to whataboutism.

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