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Saturday, December 31, 2022

Writing Your Story

Today is the last day of 2022.

Tomorrow starts a new year ... a new calendar, a brand new 365 days and a new12 months. I know it will bring new opportunities and some new challenges. Every year does.

And no matter what we hope to accomplish, or where we hope to go, we cannot control everything in our lives. I have been trying to lose the same amount of weight for several years. I keep trying to get better control of my temper, and to become more patient. I will try to embrace the fact that my body wakes up very early in the morning, and take advantage of the quiet time to be more productive. I don't make resolutions for the new year. Why set myself up for failure?

But every year I do pledge to myself that I will try to do better. I will try to eat better. I will continue to exercise every day. I will work on improving my photography skills. I will spend more time with my dogs. I will try to focus on the positive and minimize the negative. 

Tomorrow each of will be given a very special gift -- a new book with 365 blank pages. As a writer and as a photographer, I know that some days the words just don't come. Some days, the inspiration simply doesn't show up. And that's OK. As long as what we write is reflective of our true selves, and what we photograph reflects our vision of the world, it's all good. 

Each of us has a unique story to tell. We get but one blank page every day. What story will you write in your book? What story will you read on Dec. 31, 2023?

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