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Tuesday, May 10, 2022

The Memory of Me

A member of my brother-in-law's family died recently.

I knew him from family gatherings, but since I lived in California and later, New Mexico, I hadn't seen him for many years. After I made a donation in his memory to his chosen charity, I received from one of his sons a thank-you note and a small card with his photo on one side and information about funeral services on the back.

What really struck me were the words on the back. I don't know who wrote the verse, but it struck me.

I'd like the memory of me to be a happy one. 

I'd like to leave an afterglow of smiles when life is done. 

I'd like to leave an echo whispering softly down the ways, of laughing times and happy times and bright and sunny days.

I'd like the tears of those who grieve, to dry before the sun of happy memories that I leave when life is done.

My version isn't quite so poetic or elegant. I would write the following thoughts about my life.

I'd like the memory of me to be a happy one.

I'd like to leave memories of my great love of animals, especially dogs, wolves, elephants and leopards.

I'd like to leave memories of my efforts to protect these precious animals.

I'd hope to leave memories of my passion for helping to feed the hungry in this country, in Africa and in Ukraine. 

I'd like to leave memories of my belief in education as a way out of poverty and a path to a better life, especially for women. 

I hope the young women I have helped with their education, both in this country and in Kenya, will remember my belief in them.

I hope those I leave behind will not forget how I supported women struggling to survive in impoverished countries around the world.

I hope people will remember my love of photography and that I used my talents to raise money for charity, as well as to brighten lives.

I hope my love of travel will inspire others to follow their dreams and their heart.

I hope those I leave behind will remember my love of music and of reading and of history.

I hope memories of my desire to always keep learning will inspire others to never stop learning.

I hope the memories I leave my daughter are good ones, and that she remembers that despite our differences, I always stood behind her.

Most of all, I hope I will have left the world a better place than when I entered it.

I have no plans to depart this life any time soon. My health remains good, my mind sharp. But sooner or later, the hourglass of my life will run out of sand. Until it does, I plan to continue to pursue my passions, to read voraciously, to travel, to explore, to learn and to photograph this beautiful world and its magnificent animals. 

Whenever my time comes to an end, it feels good to know that I have set down in words those things I hope friends and family will remember about me.

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