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Thursday, November 4, 2021

Begin with Yes

I saw something on line recently that started with ‘Begin with Yes.’

That would, I thought, be a perfect mantra by which to live my life. Begin with yes.  A website by this name talks about taking small steps every day in order to make changes in ourselves and in our lives. 

Each change we wish to make begins with a first, often small, step. First, before we take that first step, we have to begin by saying 'yes' to whatever we are seeking. Over time, small step by small step, we can begin to see the change for which we wish.

So why not begin with saying yes to life?

Say yes to new opportunities. Say yes to helping those less fortunate. Say yes to new experiences. Say yes to learning new things and new skills. Say yes to taking better care of oneself. Say yes to taking that nap! Say yes to learning a new language. Say yes to pushing ourselves out of our comfort zone. Say yes to education. Say yes to trying new foods. Say yes to being honest with ourselves. Say yes to being humble. Say yes to being kind. Say yes to being patient. Say yes to starting to lose that unwanted extra weight.

I like this philosophy of life. The message itself is a positive one. Of course, saying yes to the wrong things can have serious consequences. Viewers of the 'Grace and Frankie' series on Netflix may remember what happened to the two friends when they had a 'say yes' night. So the point is to say yes only to positive things that will improve us and our lives.

To what will you say yes today?

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