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Saturday, October 9, 2021

Feeling Every Year

Today, and this entire week, I am feeling every year of my existence.

My left knee has been hurting as I try to sleep. My left shoulder aches for reasons unknown. My left wrist, which I broke and on which I had surgery in Kenya a few years ago, has been acting up from time to time. Fingers on my left hand are very achy with arthritis. That's curious, because I am right-handed. My left ankle, which I twisted a few weeks ago, still hurts. And my left heel is still aching from plantar fasciitis.

So in short, the left side of my body is falling apart. 

As a runner of some 33 years, pain in a knee isn't unexpected. And really, my knees are in remarkably good shape. I can still walk and hike with no problems. An orthopedic surgeon warned me to expect to develop arthritis in the broken wrist. I have had plantar fasciitis a couple of times in the distant past, although I don't remember which foot was involved. But the shoulder pain is something new.

I take Tylenol for the pain, and it does help. The shoulder and heel are most problematic. I'm not one to sit around all day, although I do read a great deal on my Kindle. But taking time off from walking for exercise so far is not in my plans.

I have an appointment with my primary care physician in a couple of weeks, and I will raise these issues with her. 

More than the pain, which is controlled by Tylenol, is the everyday reminder than I am an old lady. But all things considered, I can't really complain. Aches and pains are part of being older. Over all, I am in pretty good health. My heart is strong, my blood pressure is good, and I still exercise every day. Unlike so many of the people I see at my ophthalmologist's office, I don't require supplemental oxygen. I don't need to use a cane or a walker or a wheelchair.

So all things considered, my life is pretty good. I'm still able to travel. I still enjoy photography and reading and learning.

I just need to remember to put it all in perspective, and consider how very lucky I am to be as healthy and as active as I am.

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