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Wednesday, July 29, 2020

And the Answer Is ...

... a resounding NO!

No, I am not going to 'chip in' money to a political campaign or after signing a petition.

No, I do not want to sign up to receive ads with special offers.

No, I do not want to create an account.

No, I do not want to join your e-mail advertising list. (But you will send me spam e-mails anyway).

No, I do not want to sign up for a subscription to your magazine.

No, I do not want a free trial to anything.

No, I do not want to hear about an extended warranty for my car.

No, I do not want help repairing my credit score (which is excellent, by the way). 

No, I am not going to send any organization yet another donation for some 'urgent' crisis. 

No, I do not want your ads popping up and covering the article I am trying to read. 

No, I do not want to sign up for your free daily newsletter.

The bottom line is this: Stop bugging me to donate or to sign up for anything! If I wish to donate or sign up for something, I will do it on my own. I know that times are tough for individuals and for non-profits. But bombarding me with e-mails (five in a few days from the local PBS station) is not going to persuade me to send more money. The same goes for the local Holocaust museum with its incessant requests for donations because the end of the fiscal year is approaching, it's getting ready to reopen, etc. I donate a lot of money every year to several charities. Nagging me for more money may well cause me to stop donating to a particular group completely.

Just because I sign a petition or buy something online does NOT mean I want to be flooded with e-mails, particularly after I indicate that I do NOT want to be added to the mailing list.

So yes, the answer is NO.

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