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Thursday, January 9, 2020

No Words

I am a writer. 

I add as many as 70 posts to this blog every year. I have done this for more than 10 years, for a total of 542 posts.

I write about politics. I write about animals. I write about things in my life. I write about my travels and my photography. So I'm not often at a loss for words. But right now, I am unable to find the words to express what I feel about the current state of the world. 

Let's start with the US, where I live. We have an incompetent, lying, insecure, bullying, greedy would-be despot in the White House (although he spends much of his time playing golf and watching Fox News to learn how he should respond to the events of the day). Oh, and he was recently impeached, and he may face yet another charge of impeachment.

Australia is on fire. More than 12 million acres have burned so far, with fires still raging out of control across much of the country.. At least 25 people have been killed, 1,200 structures destroyed, and some 500 million animals impacted.

Let us not forget the recent drone killing of Iran's top general. All of a sudden this general, who has been around for years, was deemed by the American president and his henchmen to be an imminent threat to the US, although the administration refuses to explain on what evidence this decision was made.

Iran shot down (according to current theories) a Ukrainian airliner that had just departed from Tehran shortly after Iran fired several rockets at a US military base in Iraq. It's possible the military thought the aircraft was an attacking American airplane. All 176 passengers and crew were killed.

Bees, without which many of our agricultural products would disappear, are dying off at record numbers. The glaciers are melting, threatening coastal and low-lying communities with massive flooding. Our biodiversity is decreasing. We are facing a sixth mass extinction. Water pollution, drought and deforestation are major environmental issues. And of course, global climate change threatened the entire planet. 

My emotions are raw and just below the surface these days. It takes nothing to bring me to tears. I worry all the time about what is going to happen to our country. Will Trump leave office peacefully when he looses the 2020 election? Will he, as expected, once again cheat his way to a fake victory? Will his followers, as they have threatened, take up arms in protest of his loss? 

And most importantly, will our country be able to recover from the damage he and his cronies have done to this country? Will citizens once again work together to make the US the country it once was? Or will we continue our decline? Only time will tell.

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