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Monday, May 6, 2019

They Are NOT 'Furbabies'!

Is anyone else bothered by the term 'fur baby' or 'fur kids'? 

In the scheme of things, this is a very trivial matter. But it's one I feel a need to address.

I love dogs, but they are not babies and they are not kids. They are not four-legged-children. They are animals of a different species, with different emotional, social, nutritional and physical needs. My dogs stay in the house with me. They sleep in my bedroom (but not on my bed) at night. But they are canids, not humans.

Treat dogs with love. Treat them with kindness. Give them quality dog food and great veterinary care. Spend time with them. Play with them. Shower them with attention. But don't treat them like little humans in fur coats. I cringe whenever I see a dog wearing a dress or a tutu, or pearls. There are dogs on Facebook that have an entire wardrobe of outfits, from dresses to sports jerseys. And puppies don't sleep in pajamas, nor do baby goats and pigs wear onesies!

Some dogs actually need to wear a sweater during cold weather, especially if the temperature is very low, the animal is old or very young, or it has a short coat. Otherwise, the dog's own coat will keep it warm.

I know, if their family members want to spend money on a closet full of little doggy outfits, that's their business. But in my opinion, the dogs would much prefer to spend time running around outside with their family members than being treated like little humans. Let them be dogs. Let them roll in the mud or the dirt. Take them on a long walk in the park or on a hike in the mountains. 

I am not offended by the terms 'fur baby' and 'fur kids.' I just think they are ridiculous.

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