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Saturday, December 8, 2018

Nap Time!

OK, I admit it.

I love to take naps. I seldom sleep well (I wake up numerous times every night), and a nap is a wonderful break from the day. It's also a great way to add a bit of sleep to my total. Some days I don't have a chance to nap, and some days I can't sleep. But on those days I get the chance, napping is a wonderful experience!

If I do fall asleep for an afternoon nap, it happens quickly (unlike at night, when it can take an hour or two to fall asleep). And I sleep really well for 30 minutes to an hour. There is no tossing and turning as there is at night. A nap also provides a nice afternoon break. Because I'm generally up by 5 a.m., days can stretch on for a long time without something to break them up, especially during the winter when darkness arrives so early.

I had a great nap recently. I woke up, opened one eye and then decided I wasn't ready to get up. I didn't sleep any more, but it was nice just lying in bed on a cold, gray day. After a few minutes I got up and went about my day. 

I think the best thing about napping is that it provides time just for me, a time when I don't have to do anything. Obligations are set aside for a while. My dogs love naps, too, so as soon as I head for the bedroom, they're right behind me.  

Now if you'll excuse me, I think it's nap time.

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