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Wednesday, February 23, 2022

Moving Forward … Cautiously

Covid has taken several million lives around the world, and more than 900,000 in the U.S. Countless other people have survived, some with no lingering symptoms and some with 'long Covid.' that keeps them ill for months.

Many uncounted others -- and I am one of them -- suffer from psychological symptoms of this virus even while remaining free of the physical symptoms. You may recognize some of these symptoms in yourself or family members.

Increased stress and anxiety.

Short temper.

Decreased energy level



These are some of the feelings with which I struggle as we enter year three of this pandemic. Everything is a struggle, from finding the grocery items I want to making an appointment with a physician. I am so sick of hearing about 'supply chain problems' and watching prices skyrocket. 

And what makes this situation even worse is knowing that it didn't, and doesn't, have to be this way.

Fortunately, we are seeing signs of turning the corner on the pandemic. Numerous states, including the state in which I live, are dropping mask mandates. That is a great step, but it doesn't mean we should let our guard down just yet. Medical offices and hospitals in my area still require anyone entering their offices or facilities to be masked. And that is fine with me. I also plan to wear a mask when I go grocery shopping or enter any public place of business. I am fully vaccinated and have received a booster, but no one, regardless of vaccination status, is ever fully protected from this virus.

So as an older person whose natural immunity is not as robust as it was in my younger years, I will continue to wear a mask when in indoor public places. The mask mandate remains in place for travel by bus, rail and airplane, and that's OK by me as well.

I have had quite enough of hearing about Covid and of staying home. Like everybody else, I am sick of shortages and delays and arguments about how to manage this virus. Wearing a mask while flying or shopping for a bit longer is not a hardship. I will do what it takes to protect myself, particularly given the large number of unvaccinated who walk among us.

A friend in Texas is on her first cruise in a couple of years. Requirements for negative Covid testing are being lifted in international destinations, which will make travel easier. That is encouraging news for those of us who love to travel.

If we all do our part going forward, perhaps we can finally return to some degree of normalcy in our daily lives..

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