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Saturday, October 6, 2018

Moving in the Wrong Direction

American society is moving in the wrong direction.

Rather than continuing to move toward a society in which people of all races, genders and ethnicities are treated with respect, we are moving to a time of exclusion, derision and

Consider the following examples of what is happening under the current Republican administration:

  • There is open hostility toward the news media, with cries of 'fake news' and exclusion of reporters from certain news outlets now an everyday occurrence.*
  • Racial tensions, previously an undercurrent in our society, are more pronounced and increasingly violent.*
  • Verbal and even physical attacks on minorities and others considered 'different' from white culture are not uncommon.*
  • America's culture war between conservative and more progressive values has grown and deepened, leaving the country deeply divided.
  • There is a growing chasm between the extremely wealthy and the rest of the population.
  • The divide between the educated and un/less educated segments of society is increasing.
  • Distrust of scientists and science is on the rise. Global warming/climate change is derided as 'fake news.'
  • It now appears to be OK for supporters of the current administration to openly mock victims of sexual abuse and assault.
  • Name-calling of those in political disfavor is commonplace.
  • Environmental protections are being drastically rolled back.
  • Christian fundamentalism is on the rise.
  • The vice president and the secretary of education want to force the nation and public schools to embrace their version of Christianity to the exclusion of other religions.
  • The country has taken a decidedly nationalist position.* The age of globalism is done. The current administration is pulling out of international treaties and agreements, including those with America's traditional allies.
  • The president, a would-be dictator if allowed, holds constant rallies where his adoring followers give him the praise and adulation he so desperately craves. These rallies are reminiscent of the massive rallies held by Hitler some 75 years ago.*
  • The president (I refuse to use his name), like Hitler before him, demands absolute loyalty to him, not to the United States or the US Constitution. To him.*
  • The president has insulted the leaders of our staunchest allies: Great Britain, Germany, France, Canada and Australia.
  •  The president also has stated publicly that he wonders whether any protest against anything should be allowed. More shades of Nazi Germany.*
Those items marked with an * at the end of the bullet point also were hallmarks of Nazi Germany. In Germany, it was Jews, Gypsies, the physically and mentally disabled, and gays. In 2018 America, targets are Muslims and gays. 

There have always been two (or more) sides to political and socio-economic issues. But now, calm, rational discussions of our differences are almost impossible. People on one side of an argument bear incredible ill will toward people on the other side. Insults and name-calling pepper online political discussions. As an example of the hatred tearing this country apart, one of the "very fine people" among the neo-Nazis participating in last year's rally in Charottesville, VA, drove his car into a crowd of people marching in opposition, killing one young woman. So much for freedom of speech. So much for freedom of assembly.

I have lived for six decades. I have never seen this country so divided and filled with hatred toward our fellow Americans. People who hold opposing viewpoints are not traitors. They should not be told "If you don't like it here, get out of the country." They should fear for their lives because they speak with an accent or wear a head scarf. 

Americans need to focus on what once made this country the world leader it has been. We need to focus on what we have in common with others. We need to join forces to boot out of Congress all who have lost sight of those for whom they work; they are supposed to represent the people who elected them, not the billionaires and corporations that bought and paid for them. 

I am fed up. I am disgusted. Watching the political drams, the behind-the-scenes manipulations and meddling with an FBI investigation so limited in scope it doesn't deserve to be called an investigation so the administration can rush through its nomination of a drunken attorney who clearly lacks both the morals and the demeanor to serve on the Supreme Court, has left me feeling nauseous.

America deserves better than this. It is time to sweep out the debris and the deadwood from Congress. Midterm elections are just a month away. GET OUT AND VOTE!

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