I was born in the United States, but I no longer feel that I belong in this country.
I have always had American citizenship. My parents and both sets of grandparents were Americans. I have always loved my country. I spent 23 years working for the federal government. Until 2016, I was proud of my country despite its faults. I was proud of Barack Obama and Joe Biden and their dedication to making this a better country for all of us -- poor, middle class, wealthy, black, white, Hispanic, Asian, Native American, gay, straight, transgender -- all of us.
My pride in America evaporated on November 6 with the re-election of a greedy, rude, crude, egocentric, compassionless, mentally ill, 34-time convicted felon, misogynist, rapist and chronic liar. He has no redeeming qualities. He instigated sedition against the US government, and he is guilty of several crimes for which he was never prosecuted. He will sell out this country to any of his beloved dictators who offer enough money.
Already he has taken us out of the World Health Organization and the Paris climate accords. His uber-wealthy 'bro' gave not one, but two, Nazi salutes to a crowded arena after the coronation, sorry, inauguration. He pardoned more than 1,500 people convicted and sentenced following the January insurrection he instigated and that resulted in the deaths of several people, among them police officers. These people are now free, and threatening more bloodshed. He has fired at least 15 independent inspectors general in violation of federal law. He has directed the US Air Force to stop teaching new recruits about the Tuskegee Airmen and the WASPS, two groups whose service during World War II helped the US win the war.
My father and all three of my uncles fought against fascists and Nazis during World War II. My father, a US Navy veteran, took part in the D-Day landings until his destroyer was sunk by Nazi guns. He spent hours in the cold waters of the North Atlantic until he was rescued by a British warship. He later served in the Pacific.
Now here we are with a bunch of greedy, self-centered millionaires/ billionaires embracing the same beliefs that brought the world to war 80+ years ago.
He has removed the commandant of the US Coast Guard (a woman). He has removed the head of the Transportation Security Administration, the agency responsible for screening air passengers, among other things. He has ordered the agencies charged with protecting the health of Americans --the Food and Drug Administration and the Centers for Disease Control -- to stop issuing public health warnings and to cease publishing reports and other external communications. He has canceled the DEI (diversity, equity and inclusion) projects at all federal agencies, a move that was quickly embraced by several major American corporations, including, Ford, McDonalds, Target and Lowes. .
i would not be shocked to see 'whites only' signs in public bathrooms and other public spaces as were common until 1964, when segregation became illegal.
I keep reading that we should fight back. That's a great idea, but how? The fascists have captured and now control both houses of Congress, the White House (now that's an appropriate name) and the US Supreme Court. I don't see much that we average citizens can do. We can support organizations that have the money and the staffing to challenge fascist edicts in court, but I don't see a lot of things we can do.
I now get my online news from a neutral source rather than the right-leaning CNN. I try to do my shopping at businesses that haven't fallen in line with the fascist government, something that is proving remarkably difficult given how many businesses have jumped on the bandwagon in an attempt to curry favor with the fascist-in-chief.
I am stockpiling extra food should shortages materialize. I'm certain there will be shortages of fruits and vegetables once all the field workers have been deported.
What a sad mockery of what we once were our nation has become.
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