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Thursday, October 26, 2023

It Isn't Safe

In contemporary America ...

It isn't safe to go grocery shopping.

It isn't safe to attend church.

It isn't safe to go to see a movie.

It isn't safe to attend synagogue.

It isn't safe to go bowling.

It isn't safe to go to a restaurant or bar.

It isn't safe to go to the mall.

It isn't safe to go to work.

It isn't safe to go to a concert.

It isn't safe to go to the post office.

It isn't safe to go to school, whether college, high school or elementary school.

The bottom line is, it isn't safe to go anyplace. Some deranged person toting an assault-style rifle is likely to show up and start shooting random people, including children.

This folks, is the reality of life in 21st century America. 

Meanwhile, politicians bought and paid for by the NRA and the gun rights lobby offer than pathetic, useless and trite thoughts and prayers. Thoughts and prayers do nothing to ease the pain of those loved ones left behind. Thoughts and prayers do nothing to ease the physical and emotional suffering of those wounded in yet another senseless attack.

I know about the oh-so-precious Second Amendment to the US Constitution. I have heard the tired old arguments about how only "a good guy with a gun" can stop the slaughter. But strangely, a good guy with a gun never seems to be around when the slaughter starts. 

I believe nothing will stop the carnage in America. Far too many people own guns, legally or illegally, and they aren't about to surrender them. The demon has been let out of the bottle.

The thing is, other countries have people with mental illness. Other countries have people who get depressed or angry about something. But only the United States has people who have the capacity to grab an automatic rifle and mow down tons of people.

I have a friend who has guns. She knows how to use them. She takes all precautions, up to not leaving a gun in her vehicle out of fear it will be stolen and used in a crime. She is a sensible, responsible gun owner. I have no problem with her owning guns. They, and she, are a threat to no one.

Constitutional amendments were passed for a reason, but times have changed since the muzzle loaders in use when the Second Amendment was passed. Population density was much less in the 18th century.  People knew those who lived in their communities, unlike today when despite the high population density in much of the country, there is little to no sense of community.

As someone wrote on social media recently, “The rights of gun nuts to murder is more important than our right to live.” So much for our right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, huh?

What's the answer? I don't know. But clearly what we are doing now is not working.

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