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Tuesday, January 3, 2023

Up Before the Sun

As part of preparing for the new year, I decided to embrace the fact that I nearly always wake up very early (5 a.m. or earlier).

Rather than grumbling about it, I decided to get up and start my day despite the early hour, the cold and the darkness. I decided to get up and do something either enjoyable or productive, and sometimes both.

This morning I am working on slowly decluttering my kitchen and my office. How far I will get remains to be seen, but at least it's a start. I'm also spending time reading, something I have loved to do since I was a child. And of course, early morning is a perfect time to do some writing while enjoying a cup of hot tea.

So far, on day 3 of this experiment, I am enjoying the change. And once the sun rises early in the morning during spring and summer, I will be able to get out for an early morning walk should I feel like getting a jumpstart on my day's exercise.

Being an early riser helps when I go on safari, as we always leave camp before sunrise so we can be in the field when the animals start to become active. Non-predators wake up to begin their day, while lions return from a night of hunting to sleep in a secluded spot.

New Mexico provides some glorious sunrises over the mountains, so being up before the sun gives me the opportunity to see and photograph some of Mother Nature's handiwork.

Throughout much of my professional career I started work early (7:30 a.m.), so in order to fit in a 1-mile walk with my dogs and a 3-mile run, plus time to shower and get ready for work, I got up at 4:30 on weekday mornings. I also have have suffered from insomnia for many years. 

So I think circumstances aligned to cause me to continue to be an early riser, despite being retired for more than 12 years. And it doesn't matter what time I go to bed. I still wake up very early.

What I have noticed is that I feel more relaxed later in the day after an early start. I like knowing that I already have been productive, regardless of what else comes my way. Or perhaps I'm not relaxed, but simply tired. 

Whatever the reason, so far I am liking this change of attitude toward early mornings. 

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