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Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Clapping Like A Trained Seal

Every sane, semi-intelligent person in the world knows that Donald Trump has serious mental issues. 

He lies incessantly (more than 16,000 times in the past three years). He is incredibly inarticulate. He babbles when he goes off script. He claimed to be "the chosen one." He has an insatiable need to be adored and praised.

But what is with his clapping for himself? He reminds me of a seal that has been trained to slap its front flippers together to get a fish reward. No other public figure walks around applauding himself. We all know he is a narcissist who demands constant adoration. But clapping for himself makes him look desperate for even more attention and adoration.

And why does he always give a thumbs-up while wearing a stupid grin as he poses for photos with some of his sycophants? Even during a visit to an El Paso, Texas, hospital in the aftermath of a shooting that left 22 people dead and another 24 injured, he posed with an infant whose parents had been murdered while protecting their baby. He and Melania stood there grinning, as he gave the usual thumbs-up. Really? This child lost both parents, and all the president can do is give a thumbs-up? Then he complained that his staff had kept cameras away, after the White House stated that the visit was not a photo op. Really? So what was that picture of the grinning president and wife?

It's very clear that this narcissist is incapable of showing compassion to those who are suffering. Barack Obama would comfort people, giving them encouragement, kind words and a hug. Trump, on the other hand, picks fights with and insults others. Remember how he insulted the Khan family whose soldier son had been killed while fighting in Iraq? Rather than expressing gratitude and condolences for their son's death, the Great Leader chose to attack them. Perhaps if the Khans were white ... no, it wouldn't make any difference. Chump is incapable of showing compassion.

And now that the Senate has acquitted him of the two charges brought against him by the House of Representatives, his need for power and revenge has been unleashed on America. (Note that being acquitted is not the same as being not guilty). 

He has fired several professional intelligence officers at a time when their expertise is needed more than ever to combat Russia's meddling in the 2020 elections. He demands that two of the liberal Supreme Court justices recuse themselves from all cases in which his administration is involved because they won't be "fair" to him. 'Unfair' has been a constant whine of the toddler in the White House. Nobody is fair to him. Not the mainstream news media, not the House of Representatives, not the courts. Even when commenting on the death of long-time, highly respected reporter Cokie Roberts, all Chump could say was that she was "unfair" to him.

It is past time to send this ignorant, bullying con artist back to the gold course -- permanently.

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