I am a wanna-be photographer and a wanna-be writer. Yes, I have a photo Web site, and people tell me how much they enjoy my photos. I am a pretty good, but not great, photographer. But apparently no one likes my images enough to purchase a print. And yes, I wrote and self-published a book about my experiences raising an 11-year-old girl from Russia. It sold a handful of copies. And yes, I have had this blog for eight years. Despite having readers from Europe and Asia, most posts are read by fewer than 40 people, and I never get any feedback. My blog has a grand total of 14 followers.
So my creative endeavors aren't exactly a rousing success. I'm not sure what I'm doing, or not doing, to account for these pathetically low numbers. I enjoy writing and I love photography, but some feedback once in a while would be nice.
So what's the answer? I'm still looking, but if you have suggestions, I would love to hear them. And please enjoy this photo I took recently of the quetzal, a rare and beautiful bird that lives in Costa Rica.
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