I don't know why it happened, but this year I have lost my interest in donating to charity.
I typically donate to several charities that benefit both animals (dogs and elephants primarily) and humans. But this year, my heart isn't in donating anywhere. And if I do donate, it will be far less than my typical donation.
Part of the reason is the outrageous cost of everything, from groceries to propane used to heat my house, to airfare. I can easily spend close to $100 for two bags of groceries, and I don't buy anything extravagant.
My homeowner's insurance increased by more than 16 percent. Car insurance went up as well. My cost of living increase? A whopping 2.5 percent.
The other part of my lack of interest in donating to my favorite charities is not so easily defined. Unlike during the past 10 years or so, I have sold zero, no photo wall calendars. I match every dollar raised and donate the proceeds to an elephant charity in Kenya. But not this year. Nobody wants a beautiful photo wall calendar.
The bottom line is, I just don't feel like donating. I particularly don't want to donate to charities that help people in the 'red' states that voted to install a fascist-leaning dictator as the incoming president of the United States.
In the aftermath of this year's disastrous presidential election, I will no longer donate to any charity that helps people in 'red' states recover from hurricanes, floods, tornados or other natural disasters. This may seem mean or unAmerican or unChristian or whatever, but I simply cannot bring myself to helf anyone who voted to put a fascist into the greatest country in the world. I know that not everyone in red states supports Cheetolini, but my donations will stay close to home this year.
Instead, I will donate dry and canned dog food to help local dog owners provide food for their animals. I also bought some stuffed animals for kids in need in my area, but apparently groups that collect toys for kids won't accept stuffed animals. So I will donate those, along with a couple of toys, to a local charity that helps dogs in need of medical or behavioral care.
I have some food to donate locally, as well as toys if I can find a local toy drive. And I was saddened to learn that many charities will not accept stuffed animals, even new ones with the tags still attached. I think stuffed animals are the most comforting thing a child can have. A side from a few small monetary donations, that will be the extent of my generosity this year.
This same person wants to slash or eliminate climate change programs, to slash or eliminate programs that notify the public of incoming major weather systems, and slash or eliminate emergency response and assistance agencies.He plans to remove environmental protections and to deport millions of immigrants, both legal and illegal. Social Security and Medicare are likely to come under attack. So if these people in 'red' states are dumb enough to vote against their own best interests, they won't get any help with my dollars.
This may well be the best holiday season America will see for the foreseeable future.