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Tuesday, January 1, 2019

New Year, New Hopes

It's 2019, the start of a new year.

I gave up making resolutions a long time ago. But I do have a few wishes in mind for 2019. I hope that
  • the United States rids itself of the current corrupt, toxic administration and truly does "drain the swamp."
  • the US Congress puts aside its partisan fighting and greed and finally starts doing what is best for the people of this country -- all the people, not just billionaires.
  • people finally realize that all parts of our planet, both other animals and plants, mountains and water, play an important role in supporting life on earth. It's time to stop plundering the environment and slaughtering animals for profit or 'fun.'
  • my eye problems will become a distant memory
  • the US will find a solution to the immigration mess that is both humane and protects our country
  • citizens of this country will realize the things they have in common far outnumber their differences
  • people stop trying to force others to live according to their religious beliefs
  • Congress enacts sensible gun laws that keep dangerous weapons out of the hands of those who shouldn't have them while protecting Americans' Second Amendment rights
  • more states follow California in forbidding pet stores from selling dogs, cats and rabbits that aren't from a rescue group 
  • the war on wolves and other apex predators ends

These are my hope for 2019. None are easy to achieve, but all can become reality. People I know have had enough drama and death in 2018. Let us hope that the new year brings more love, more peace and more kindness, to ourselves and to others.

Happy New Year, everyone.

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