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Tuesday, September 4, 2018

The Ugliest Person in America

Meet the ugliest person in America.

Can you guess who that might be? Who represents the antithesis of what America should, and used to, be? For me, there is only one choice.

I'm not talking about his bleached blond hair, or his need for a haircut, or his toupee. I'm not talking about his orange skin with the white rings around his eyes. I'm not talking about his flabby, obese body. I'm sure by now you know whom I am describing. I refuse to say his name. He could be drop-dead gorgeous on the outside, and he would still be ugly on the inside.

No, physical attributes aside, this is the ugliness I'm talking about.
  • his lack of a soul. 
  • his mean-spirited, hate-filled personality.
  • his pettiness
  • his vindictiveness 
  • his lack of compassion 
  • his misogyny
  • his frequent inciting of violence against others he perceives as 'enemies.' 
  • his public mocking of a disabled person. 
  • his willingness to allow immigrant children to be separated from their parents and locked in cages, and to deport the parents while their children remain in cages.
  • his support of white nationalist individuals and organizations
  • his frequent attacks on Muslims
  • his ongoing attacks on immigrants, both legal and illegal
  • his ongoing attacks on any news media that don't effusively praise him, calling them "the enemy of the people"
  • his refusal to honor Sen. John McCain upon his death, and his petulant act of not keeping the White House flag at half staff, until he caved to a public uproar
  • his disrespect of the American military, including a soldier who died in defense of the US
  • his insults toward foreign political leaders
  • his sucking up to tyrants such as Putin and Kim Jong Un 
  • his incessant lies (4,229 confirmed lies as of Aug. 1, 2018).
  • his ongoing efforts to divide the country
  • his refusal to give an annual cost of living increase to federal employees because the government 'can't afford it,' while spending more than $77 million on his weekly golf trips.
  • his incessant berating of certain cabinet members and the American intelligence community
  • his name calling of political leaders, members of Congress, etc.
  • his incessant need for approval and adulation as evidenced by his frequent 'rallies' where his adoring followers cheer wildly
  • his use of his position to enrich himself and his family, despite a Constitutional prohibition on doing so
I'm sure there are many more examples that show the ugliness of his soul. His entire administration is rife with corruption, greed and misuse of taxpayer funds. But the supreme leader wins the title of 'ugliest American' hands down.

America deserves better. America is better.

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